Building & Testing


pnpm install
pnpm run build

# or use npm

npm install
npm run build


Test system requires a SharePoint site and app registration on Microsoft identity platform with SharePoint permissions.

After the app registration, create a file named msalSettings.js. You can use msalSettings.example.js as a template or copy the following code snippet.

const privateKey = `

const msalInit = {
    auth: {
        authority: "${TENANT_ID}",
        clientId: "${CLIENT_ID}",
        clientCertificate: {
            thumbprint: "${THUMBPRINT}",
            privateKey: privateKey,

export default
        sp: {
            url: "${SITE_URL}",
            msal: {
                init: msalInit,
                scopes: ["${SITE_URL}/.default"]
        graph: {
            msal: {
                init: msalInit,
                scopes: [""]

Replace the following parts in settings file with your own info from app registration:

  • privateKey, replace it with your own certificate private key.
  • ${TENANT_ID}, Your SharePoint tenant UUID.
  • ${CLIENT_ID}, App client UUID.
  • ${SITE_URL}, SharePoint test site URL.
  • ${THUMBPRINT}, Certificate thumbprint.

Most tests use existing info on the site or create simple test cases on-the-fly. Only exceptions are useListItems tests, which require a list called Test List with sizeable (+5000) pre-populated items.

Run npm run test to start vitest when testing environment is ready.

After the first test run, all HTTP responses are cached to node_modules/.prh_cache directory, and tests are replayed from the cached responses whenever there is a match.