Getting Started


  1. Install pnp-react-hooks and @pnp/sp packages to your SPFx webpart project.
npm install pnp-react-hooks @pnp/sp
  1. Update module imports, onInit() and render() functions on <YourWebpartName>.tsx file.


// <Other Webpart imports>
// Import pnp-react-hooks helper function and option type
import { PnpHookGlobalOptions, createProviderElement } from 'pnp-react-hooks';
// import PnPjs
import { spfi, SPFx} from '@pnp/sp';

export default class PnpReactHookExamplesWebPart extends BaseClientSideWebPart<IPnpReactHookExamplesWebPartProps>
  private _isDarkTheme: boolean = false;
  private _environmentMessage: string = '';
  private _theme: IReadonlyTheme;
  private _hookOptions: PnpHookGlobalOptions;

  // Create onInit function to initialize options.
  protected onInit(): Promise<void>
    return this._getEnvironmentMessage().then(message =>
      this._environmentMessage = message;
      // Initialize PnPjs sp context.
      const sp = spfi().using(SPFx(this.context));

      // Setup your default PnP React hooks options.
      this._hookOptions = {
        sp: sp,
        disabled: "auto"

  public render(): void
    const element: React.ReactElement<IPnpReactHookExamplesProps> = React.createElement(

    // Use helper function to create React elements.
    const rootElement = createProviderElement(this._hookOptions, element);

    // Render root element.
    ReactDom.render(rootElement, this.domElement);

  1. Start using hooks in your webpart components.


import * as React from 'react';
import { IPnpReactHookExamplesProps } from './IPnpReactHookExamplesProps';
import { useCurrentUser } from "pnp-react-hooks";

const PnpReactHookExamples = (props: IPnpReactHookExamplesProps) => {
  const me = useCurrentUser({
    query: {
    select: ["Title"]

return (<div>{me?.Title}</div>);

export default PnpReactHookExamples;