Common Hook Options

All hook options have the following common properties:

disabled: Disables hook execution if supplied value or predicate function result is true. It also supports "auto" which handles the common cases like null list name, undefined user name etc.

query: OData query parameters supported by resource type. Automatically tracked for changes with deep comparison.

For example, the following query1 and query2 are considered as equal and they won't cause any re-render.

const query1 = {
    select: ["Title", "Id", "Lookup/Id"],
    expand: ["Lookup"]

const query2 = {
    expand: ["Lookup"]
    select: ["Id", "Lookup/Id", "Title"],

keepPreviousState: When enabled, hook does not reset it's current state to undefined before sending a new request.

sp: Overrides PnpJs SPFI instance. Default uses context-provided instance.

behaviors: Sets PnpJs pipeline behaviors to each request.

error: Error handling mode or custom error callback. Use ErrorMode.Default (0) for throwing error, ErrorMode.Suppress (1) for ignoring the errors.

type PnpHookOptions = {
    disabled?: "auto" | boolean | (...args[]) => boolean;
    query?: {
        expand?: string[];
        select?: string[];
        // Extra properties are available for collection types.
        top?: number;
        orderBy?: string;
        orderyByAscending?: boolean;
        skip?: number;
        filter?: string;
    keepPreviousState?: boolean;
    sp?: SPFI;
    behaviors?: TimelinePipe<any>[];
    error?: 0 | 1 | (err:Error) => void;